Samsung Galaxy S4, prima ROM stabile per Android MarshMallow

E’ la cosiddetta crDroid la prima ROM di un certo spessore dedicata al Samsung Galaxy S4 con cui è possibile scaricare l’aggiornamento del sistema operativo Android MarshMallow a bordo del device.

Andiamo a vedere i principali elementi contenuti in questa ROM:

Volume panel timeout
Slim recents panel
Clear recents location
Lock app on recents panel
SlimRoms Heads up (with snooze time, timeout, touch to hide and swipe behavior)
SlimRoms custom lockscreen shortcuts
Ticker notifications
Navbar on/off
Hardare keys on/off (in devices supported)
Power menu in navring targets
SlimPie controls with all working
Sound panel option om power menu
Superuser indicator (Notification, Statusbar icon or no indicator)
Force expanded notifications on expanded statusbar
Power menu and notifications tiles
Four tiles per row
Disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
CAF task manager
Ambient display with a bunch of options
System apps remover
SELinux switch
Network traffic meter
RAM bar in recents panel
Battery saver enhancements
Non intrusive incoming call
Option to disable battery saver orange bars
Touch outside behavior

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