Al dì là delle caratteristiche tecniche del nuovo LG G Pro 2, rese ufficiali nella giornata di ieri dalla casa produttrice, è opportuno in queste ore concentrarsi anche su altri aspetti del modello, che solitamente non compaiono nella scheda tecnica di un top di gamma.
A tal proposito, LG si concentra su questi elementi:
120FPS HD Video Recording and Slow-Motion Editing: Records in 120fps HD and allows editing of video in three different speeds ― one-half slow motion, one-fourth slow motion and original
4K ULTRA HD Recording: Records video footage in ultra-high definition mode for playback on 4K TV sets
Magic Focus: After the shot is taken, user have the option to select the preferred depth of focus before saving. Users can also press the all-in-focus icon to make every object in the frame look their sharpest
Natural Flash: Offers more balanced color temperature and exposure for the most natural-looking photos compared to images taken with a normal flash
Flash for Selfie: Reduces the size of the preview screen and adds a bright white background for more “soft” lighting in self-portrait mode
Burst Shot: Takes up to 20 continuous shots and automatically edits them to create a video of the captured images
Gallery Collage: Allows users to select photos from their gallery to create a collage for easy uploading to favorite social network sites
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