A distanza di alcune settimane dal suo lancio sul mercato, in queste ore abbiamo avuto modo di imbatterci nel primo aggiornamento software per un device come l’Asus Zenfone Selfie.
Ecco le migliorie introdotte a novembre:
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Fix mms recorded video playback failure.
Disable OMTP headset support.
Change the mixer path table for headset & headset-VOIP & camcorder.
Add more USB state for RNDIS.
Update ZD551KL cucc Wi-Fi nvram for 11b packet drop.
Add AT-PHA05BT in AVRCP 1.5 blacklist.
Fix lag issue when play video on YouTube.
Add long exposure feature ( 1s ~ 32s ).
Rear camera increase exposure time to 32 seconds in manual mode.
Modify “Noise Reduction” strength in manual “Optimization”.
Fine-tune image detail and noise.
Change ue_usage_setting to DATA_CENTRIC for KDDI.
To do SIM Reset when received Authentication Reject OTA message.
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