Di recente è stata rilasciata la seconda beta ottimizzata sull’aggiornamento del sistema operativo Android Pie per il Samsung Galaxy S9 e, in questi giorni, possiamo analizzare tutte le migliorie che sono state concepite dal produttore coreano per migliorare il suo pacchetto software, fermo restando che la beta in questione non introduce nuove funzionalità.
A seguire, dunque, la lista completa ed originale degli interventi che sono stati portati a termine durante lo scorcio finale di novembre per chi da tempo attendeva migliorie sotto questo punto di vista:
Delay screen on incoming call
Group call not possible
Swipe left or right does not work in the “Current Applications” menu
The application closes when an image is moved to another gallery folder
Face detection does not work after Samsung Internet has been updated
Registration by face recognition not possible, fingerprint recognition does not work
The alarm sounds only with vibration
Another alarm is displayed on the lock screen even if no alarm is set
The screen is truncated when we change YouTube to Landscape / Portrait mode
The alarm does not ring at the set time
When headphones are connected, no sound is heard
During music playback, the speed changes and the sound is interrupted
The high quality Samsung Music sound is broken
There is a noise in music playback in Samsung Music via headphones
The alarm will ring quietly even when set to the maximum level
A hum sounds when a notification is received while listening to music
Interrupts music when playing a game and listening to music at the same time
The sound of the camera shutter is interrupted
Battery or alarm sound is not audible
Fast battery drain during Netflix streaming with Chrome Cast
The application is closed when the editor screen mode is called
Sound interrupts on YouTube or sound sounds when using Voice Talk
App icon / name will be truncated after updating on the home screen or apps screen
The Apps screen and the app name overlap or an empty area can be seen instead
Situation where multiple apps are closed
Insomma, ora avrete a disposizione qualche informazione extra per prepararvi al meglio al rilascio dell’aggiornamento Android Pie sul vostro Samsung Galaxy S9 nelle prossime settimane.