A pochi giorni dal rilascio ufficiale del Motorola Droid (Milestone in Europa) negli Stati Uniti, Google rilascia ufficialmente i codici sorgenti di Android 2.0 Eclair. Secondo androidandme.com il merito di questo importante rilascio sarebbe da attribuire all’ingegnere Jean-Baptiste M. “JBQ” Queru, il quale avrebbe lavorato più di cento ore negli ultimi sei giorni per far si che il rilascia del codice sorgente avvenisse.
Ecco alcuni dettagli del rilascio (inglese):
I’ve just created an eclair branch in AOSP, which contains the code
that many people have been waiting for.What’s in that branch? It’s basically a snapshot of part of Google’s internal eclair tree, a little bit more recent than the build that was used in Droid. It’s not the exact source for Droid and is not ready to ship on a consumer device.
-There’s no change history. Google is planning to eventually make thechange history available, but at the moment the history contains some things that can’t be open-sourced, and making a snapshot was the fastest way to deal with those.-It’s a partial tree. We’ll be open-sourcing more of eclair over time, but we figured it would make more sense to open-source part of it now instead of waiting until everything was in place.
-It doesn’t build for ADP1 or ION/ADP2. We’re working with the various companies involved to try to resolve this issue, but we preferred to open-source the code in its current state instead of waiting for a solution on the hardware side.
-It’s not currently merged in the master tree. I’m working on it, but I wanted to get something out before the week-end. Please be patient. I’ll try to complete it as quickly as I can.
-It doesn’t currently contain the AOSP-specific files (build configurations, etc…). They’ll come back.
-Calendar is broken. I have a fix that I will release along with the master tree.