ViperOneM9 per HTC One M9: dettagli dell’aggiornamento 1.4

Da sempre seguiamo da vicino l’evoluzione di una ROM come la cosiddetta ViperOneM9, che in queste ore ha ricevuto un interessante aggiornamento (per la precisione alla versione 1.4) dedicata al cosiddetto HTC One M9.

Ecco le migliorie apportate, comprensive del changelog dei suoi plus storici:

Major battery life and overheating improvements
Added real per app navbar color
Added coloring Navbar for all apps
Added per app statusbar color
Added coloring statusbar for all apps
Added navbar color matching theme
Added hiding lockscreen widget
Added Hiding Sunset on Lockscreen
Added Showing Alarm on Lockscreen
Added different Emergency Call behaviors (Shortpress/Longpress/Hide)
Added Hiding Sprint GPS Testicle Icon
Added headsups blacklist allow all toggle
Added Custom Lockscreen Weather Location (No need to have location in settings enabled)
Added Custom Blinkfeed Weather Location (No need to have location in settings enabled)
Added Motion Launch custom actions
Added ambient notifcations


Fixed distorted VZW Advanced Calling Icon
Fixed motion launch gestures breaking when restarting statusbar in VenomTweaks
Fixed wrong behavior of headsup notification
Fixed notification count showing by default
Fixed custom autobrightness
Fixed weak haptic feedback on recent apps button
Fixed haptic feedback not working at all on 4th navbar button
Fixed small apps (floating apps)

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